I have an older brother, David. We share this web site. I like to do everything he does and it sometimes
bothers him, but that's my job to copy and bother him.
We have an older sister, Alex, who is married and has a ton of dogs and other animals. She lives far away
and we miss her.Her dogs are funny and so is Dustin.
We have a dog too, named Chucky and David and dad want him to help with this site. Besides Chuck,
we have had two hamsters, Flash and Speedy and even a turtle that appeared in the poor one morning and we still do not know
how that happened. They are all gone now, but we had fun with them.
I love to swim, I learned to swim when I was very tiny., so tiny, they would not let me in the pool but
my dad made them let me. i just love the pool. I also love to bike with my brother and will soon use his older bike. I am taking
music lessons and they are hard for me.
I used to do a lot of homework that David would give me at the school we had at home.David was the teacher,
mom the principal and dad the superintendent. Chuck was just the security guy.
Then I started in real school and I am doing very well. Like David, I am in the gifted program and can read
at two grades ahead. I am proud of that because I love to read.
I also love to sing Beatle songs. Michelle, You Can't Do That and Girl are my favorites. i love
to sing them, but only when no one is listening.